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Learn about the workshop schedule
- All the sessions are live talks over Zoom hosted by NeurIPS. You need to register for the NeurIPS conference in order to join the event.
Date: December 8th, 9PM–11:45PM, UTC
- 9PM–9:10PM, UTC: Introduction to OGB-LSC
- Intro to the competition, challenges, designs. [Video]
- 9:10PM–10PM, UTC: Node-Level Track (MAG240M)
- Intro to the task (5min) [Video]
- Live presentation by 1st place winner: ComeAgain (10min) [Video]
- Live presentation by 2nd place winner: DSE-node (10min) [Video]
- Live presentation by 3rd place winner: CogDL (10min) [Video]
- Live Q&A and discussion (15min) [Video]
- 10PM–10:50PM, UTC: Link-Level Track (WikiKG90Mv2)
- Intro to the task (5min) [Video]
- Live presentation by 1st place winner: wikiwiki (10min) [Video]
- Live presentation by 2nd place winner: DNAKG (10min) [Video]
- Live presentation by 3rd place winner: TIEG-Youpu (10min) [Video]
- Live Q&A and discussion (15min) [Video]