KDD Cup 2021 has been concluded. This is an archive page.
Updated page is here. Competition results announced here.

Learn about important dates

  • All the deadlines are on 11:59pm PDT.
  • All the datasets share the same deadline.

March 15th, 2021: Start of KDD Cup 2021

We release all the datasets, package, and baseline code. Welcome to the competition!

April 30th, 2021: Team registration deadline

Every team must be registered in order to be eligible for the subsequent test submissions.

May 10th, 2021: Initial test submission deadline

Each team can optionally submit one initial test prediction per dataset. The prediction will be evaluated on 5% of test data, and the performance will be made public in our initial leaderboards. Although the performance here does not affect the winner selection, we encourage all the teams to try the initial submission to ensure the smooth final test submission.

June 8th, 2021: Final test submission deadline

Each team submits its final test prediction, which will be evaluated over the entire test data.

June 10th, 2021: Winner notification

We send private notifications to the awardees and provide further instructions about the code and a technical report.
Update: We have sent out the notifications (only to awardees). Check the email you have registered.

June 15th, 2021: Code submission deadline for the awardees

For the awardees, we require public Github code and a short technical report to reproduce and describe their solutions. The Github repository needs to follow the rule and remain public even after the KDD Cup. We will publicize the code on our webpage.

June 16th: Public annoucement of awardees

The awardees and the results of all the final test submissions will be made publicly available.